Day 1 Vocabulary

Word & its Details

1. Disbarring

Elaborated meaning : expel from the bar,so that they no longer have the right to practise law
Synonyms: dishonor,bemean
Antonyms : assist,develop
Example : A disciplinary tribunal directed that he shoud be disbarred
Trick : Disbarring spells like debar means Eliminate from something


Elaborated meaning : intimidate typically into doing something,with stern or abusive words
Synonyms: domineer,bluster
Antonyms : compliment,praise
Example : Even the other patients and her co-workers noticed her interst in helping others and not truing to browbeat them
Trick : Generally you beat someone after facing some abusive words

3. Allegations

Elaborated meaning : a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong,typically one madhe without proof
Synonyms: accusation,avowal
Antonyms : denial,exculpation
Example : The professor made an allegation of cheating against his student
Trick : Allegaion spells like All litigation (Every thing abused in wrong manner)


Elaborated meaning : a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason
Synonyms: guise,feint
Antonyms : reality,rear
Example : To prevent this interference,or rather to give no Pretext for it,was his guiding thought as to foreign policy
Trick : pre means before . pretext speaking something before knowing actual text.


Elaborated meaning : become active and eject lava,ash and gases
Synonyms: detonate,eruct
Antonyms : be quiet
Example :He had seen violence erupting all over the world
Trick : Remember these pair Erupt-Explode


Elaborated meaning : anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen
Synonyms: certainty, imperception
Antonyms : perfection
Example :Lennie's face wrinkled with apprehension
Trick : Apprehend - unknowing

7. Scandalising

Elaborated meaning : shock or horrify by a real or imagined violation of propriety or morality
Synonyms: outrage,repel
Example : Rather than scandalize weaker brethern,paul was willing to eat herbs the rest of his life
Trick : If a Heroine advertise a sandle then we move our sandles away(repel) and use Heroine's sandle

8. Rigorous

Elaborated meaning : extremely thorough and careful
Synonyms: stringent,ascetic
Antonyms : flexible,gentle
Example : They are,indeed,merely the application of a rigorous common sense to the facts of society.
Trick : Rigorous - Thorough


Elaborated meaning : pass on or discuss in a casual or uninformed way
Synonyms: quarrel,hassle
Antonyms : abstain,harmonize
Example :for many generations italy had been bandied
Trick : BAN rumors to stop quarrels


Elaborated meaning : a person involved in lawsuit
Synonyms: offender,suspect
Example : the money deposited by each of two litigants in a sacred precinct or with a priest was called sacrament
Trick : He may the person who involved in the murder so he becomes litigant of this case

Imp Vocabulary : Exonerate

Elaborated meaning : Clear someone from blame for a fault
Synonyms: Absolve , clear
Example : The judge exonerated Salman Khan of all charges in the hit-and-run case
Trick : Ex (previous) + Onerate (honour) = Get back previous honour by freeing from blame.

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