1. Splashy (adjective) Elaborated meaning : attracting a great deal of attention; elaborately or ostentatiously impressive. Synonyms: opulent, gaudy Antonyms : modest, simple Example :I don’t care for splashy Hollywood parties. Trick : splashy spells like flashy.we will get IMPRESSIVE look when we add FLASH effects |
2.Scrutinised (verb) Elaborated meaning : examine or inspect closely and thoroughly Synonyms: peruse, inspect Example :He scrutinised her gentle features for any sign of her intentions Trick : scrutinised - SCREW + TINY (we have INSPECT carefully for finding SMALL SCREWS) |
3.Strategist (noun) Elaborated meaning : a person skilled in planning action or policy, especially in war or politics Synonyms: contriver, schemer Example :As a strategist, though of great ability, he cannot be compared to Richard Trick : Strategist - strategy + person |
4.Formidable (adjective) Elaborated meaning : inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable Synonyms: daunting, frightful Antonyms : weak, unthreatening Example :He was throughout these debates celebrated for the “nervous and subtle oratory” which made him so formidable in after days. Trick : formidable = FOR + MID + ABLE = (feeling of being at MIDDLE of SEA) |
5.Whirring (verb) Elaborated meaning : (of something rapidly rotating or moving to and fro) make a low, continuous, regular sound Synonyms: humming, buzzing Example :And at once, as a clock begins to strike and chime as soon as the minute hand has completed a full circle, this change was shown by an increased activity, whirring, and chiming in the higher spheres. Trick : WHIRRING sounds like whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring (humming of bee) |
6.Fray (verb) Elaborated meaning : of a fabric, rope, or cord) unravel or become worn at the edge, typically through constant rubbing Synonyms: brawl, scuffle Antonyms : agreement, tranquility Example :Her nerves began to fray even further. Trick : FRAY spells like fry (doing fry curry is nothing but continuously RUBBING the curry until its colour change ) |
7. Revitalisation (noun) Elaborated meaning : bringing again into activity and prominence Synonyms: resurgence, revival Example :The revitalization in the process of exploitation should be also taken into account. Trick : Revitalisation = REVIVE + UTILIZATION |
8.Haul (verb) Elaborated meaning : (of a person) pull or drag with effort or force Synonyms: freight, harvest Antonyms : loss Example :I don’t know, but hikers can use them to haul their things. Trick : HAUL spells like foul (we make faults when somebody forcefully pull us) |
9.Paradigm (noun) Elaborated meaning : a typical example or pattern of something; a pattern or model Synonyms: ensample, archetype Example :Handsome, intelligent, and kind, Trent is the paradigm of the perfect man Trick : Paradigm - para + diagram(model diagram) |
10.Creditable Elaborated meaning : (of a performance, effort, or action) deserving public acknowledgement and praise but not necessarily outstanding or successful Synonyms: exemplary, meritorious Antonyms : unworthy, dishonorable Example :We feel that this is a particularly creditable achievement in view of the changes that have taken place Trick : creditable - ability to give credit |
Imp Word : Impeccable (adjective) Elaborated meaning : Perfect; without any flaws Synonyms: flawless , faultless Example :The actor was known for his impeccable sense of style. Trick : If you score 90 marks in prelims ,you will pacca(imPECCAble) through prelims |
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