Day 5 vocabulary

Word & its Details

1.Surge (noun)

Elaborated meaning : a sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially by a crowd or by a natural force such as the tide

Synonyms: deluge, gush

Antonyms : decline, decrease

Example :The smile was replaced by a surge of color as he jerked the barn door open.

Trick :Surge is short form of Surgery.If Any organ is damaged in our body then it will be cured from SURGERY.similarly if any field of society is corrupted then it will bee repaired through SURGE

2.Wilted (verb)

Elaborated meaning : (of a plant, leaf, or flower) become limp through heat, loss of water, or disease; droop

Synonyms: diminish, shrivel

Antonyms : extend, bloom

Example :She wilted to a heap and fell to the floor

Trick : WILLTED = WHY + LIMITED (To REDUCE range of products company , LIMITED will be added)

3. Roughly (adverb)

Elaborated meaning : in a manner lacking gentleness; harshly or violently

Synonyms: approximately, around

Example : He was neither ancient nor ugly, with familiar dark eyes and hair and roughly hewn features.

Trick :Roughly - having rough manner

4. Keenly (adverb)

Elaborated meaning : something done sharply, or with precision and clarity

Synonyms: severely, briskly

Antonyms : lightly, yielding

Example : I was keenly delighted when I felt the fragments of the broken doll at my feet.

Trick :KEENLY = having KEY points (If you read a book SEVERELY then you will get KEY points of book)

5.Sheen (noun)

Elaborated meaning : a soft lustre on a surface

Synonyms: gleam, burnish

Antonyms : darkness, dullness

Example :A sheen of sweat coated his body, and his white-blond hair was back in a braid.

Trick :SHE's are always beautiful with BRIGHT face

6.Doping (verb)

Elaborated meaning : administer drugs to (a racehorse, greyhound, or athlete) in order to inhibit or enhance sporting performance

Synonyms: debase, sedate

Antonyms : clean, purify

Example :Doping people with this curious form of antisocial behavior was merely a continuation of watching TV, or Movies.

Trick :Doping =DO + PING (DO + REACH in illegal manner)

7. Feud (noun)

Elaborated meaning : a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute

Synonyms: altercation, enmity

Antonyms : concord, agreement

Example :Their long-standing feud over leadership styles was interrupted as Darian appeared in the midst of them.

Trick :FE+U+D = FEEL (FE) like YOU (U) and THEY (D)

8. Suppress

Elaborated meaning : forcibly put an end to

Synonyms: repress ,crush

Example :she could not suppress a rising panic

Trick :Suppress - Press down - Put down


Elaborated meaning : existing or occurring at or on the surface.

Synonyms: surface ,exterior

Antonyms : interior

Example :Some people believe Zoe is superficial because she thinks so much about her hair and makeup

Trick :Super+ficial - OUTER is artiFICIAL so it is SUPER


Elaborated meaning : kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit

Synonyms: surreptitious, stealthy

Antonyms : Open , above board

Example : The clandestine meetings meant only one thing - the investors were planning to throw out the CEO.

Trick :Clan + destine = CALMLY reaching DESTINATION

Imp Word : Despicable

Elaborated meaning : Deserving hatred

Synonyms: loathsome , hatefull

Example :The man must be imprisoned for life for committing such a despicable crime.

Trick :De + spic + able - Not + speak + able - If it is something unspeakable, it means it is despicable.

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