Day 6 vocabulary

Word & its Details

1.Deepening (verb)

Elaborated meaning : make or become deep or deeper

Synonyms: dredge, hollow

Antonyms : lighten, pale

Example :I read them in the intervals between study and play with an ever-deepening sense of pleasure.

Trick :Deepening = Deepen + ing (Going deeply)

2. Boasted (verb)

Elaborated meaning : talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities

Synonyms: shovel, flaunt

Antonyms : conceal, deprecate

Example :So each one boasted of his skill in doing some sort of labor.

Trick :BOASTED = BOSS + SAID (BOSS SAID " you are the only best employee in the office with EXCESSIVE PRIDE ")

3.Mooted (verb)

Elaborated meaning : raise (a question or topic) for discussion; suggest (an idea or possibility)

Synonyms: broach, submit

Antonyms : close, finish

Example:A college had been mooted in 1816, but the intended tutor died suddenly, and the matter was for the time dropped.

Trick :Mooted spells like Voted (giving support for something)

4. Consolidation (verb)

Elaborated meaning : make (something) physically stronger or more solid

Synonyms: amalgamation, alliance

Antonyms : disunion, division

Example : a history of the consolidation of the states into a government, and of the formation of the constitution

Trick :Consolidation - CONS + SOLID ( Get SOLID from your CONS)

5.Revelation (noun)

Elaborated meaning : a surprising and previously unknown fact that has been disclosed to others

Synonyms: betrayal, divination

Antonyms : concealment, secret

Example :The revelation also threw a new light on why Alex halted his life to take care of Katie.

Trick :Revealing something in an suspense manner,gets some Interest

6.Tactic (noun)

Elaborated meaning : an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end

Synonyms: ploy, stratagem

Antonyms :

Example :Your tactic of ignorance won’t work.

Trick :In order to clear the competitive exam , The only talent is not enough but also requires Planning (TACTIC)

7.Unwavering (adjective)

Elaborated meaning : not wavering; steady or resolute

Synonyms: abiding, resolute

Antonyms : wavering, varying

Example :If you have an unwavering commitment to an idea that all things will be good all the time, then that is irrational

Trick :Unwavering - Not a wave (Moving in constant manner without change)

8.Overhaul (verb)

Elaborated meaning : take apart (a piece of machinery or equipment) in order to examine it and repair it if necessary

Synonyms: revamp, patch

Antonyms : damage, neglect

Example :Clean and repair the forcing-houses, and overhaul the heating apparatus to see it is in good working condition.

Trick :Overhaul spells like OVER HOLE (covering hole with something )

9.Poignantly (adjective)

Elaborated meaning : evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret

Synonyms: affecting, pitiable

Example :It was one of many poignant moments.

Trick :Poigantly spells like POISON GENTLY (SAD THING)

10.Echelons (noun)

Elaborated meaning : a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society

Synonyms: grade, position

Antonyms : unemployment

Example :The prominent college ranks among the top echelon of schools in the nation.

Trick :ECHELON spells like EACH LINE

Manufacture company must follow EACH LINE (standards) to maintain its brand value.

Imp Word : Rejuvenate

Elaborated meaning : Make something look or feel new, better or younger.

Synonyms: revive , regenrate

Antonyms : Stay

Example :The house needs to be rejuvenated with a new coat of paint.

Trick :Re + juvenate - ‘Re’ means again + boon of life

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