Linear arrangement 2 (6- Each side )

Linear arrangement
Solve below Linear seating arrangement

Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row I, A, D, E, K, S and T are sitting and all of them are facing South. In row II, B, F, C, G, L and H are sitting and all of them are facing North. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement, each member of a row faces another member of the other row. G sits third to the left of H. A faces G and G doesn’t sit at any extreme ends of the line. K sits third to the left of E. C faces D. The one facing D, sits third to the right of B. S and B do not sit at the extreme ends of the line. G is not an immediate neighbour of L and E is not an immediate neighbour of A.

  • Who faces E ? Answer : L
  • Who sit at the exteeme ends in south facing row ? Answer : E T
  • How many persons are seated between C and L ? Answer : Three
  • Who is third to right of L ? Answer : F
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