Subjects → Students ↓ | Hindi(150) | ENG(150) | MATH(150) | S.ST(125) | PHY(75) | CHEM(75) | BIO(75) | SAN(50) |
ANKITA | 60 | 64 | 67 | 59 | 70 | 65 | 68 | 70 |
BAKUL | 75 | 95 | 92 | 87 | 84 | 74 | 90 | 77 |
CHAITANYA | 93 | 71 | 76 | 74 | 79 | 62 | 64 | 82 |
DEEPIKA | 66 | 56 | 70 | 66 | 71 | 64 | 72 | 58 |
GAURI | 62 | 75 | 62 | 88 | 78 | 80 | 74 | 64 |
HIMANI | 58 | 60 | 64 | 54 | 70 | 60 | 72 | 66 |
Q 1) Howmany marks did HIMANI get in all the subjects together ?
solution : formula : Here we take the subjects having same marks as single and caluclate percentage over it. now Hindi,eng,math have same 150 marks so we add 58+60+64 = 182 ==> 150 % 182 = 100 % 182 + 50 % 182 = 182+91 =273for S.ST 125 % 54 =(100 % 54 + 25 % 54)=54+13.5=67.5 phy,chem,bio we have same marks - 70+60+72 =202 ==> 75 % 202 = (50% 202 + 25% 202)=101+50.5=151.5 san = 50% 66 =33 Total marks = 273 + 67.5 + 151.5 + 33 = 525
Q 2) What is the average marks obtained by all students together in physics ?
solution : First caluclate average % marks in physics = 70+84+79+71+78+70/6 = 70+(0+14+9+1+8+0/6)=70+5.33=75.33% Now 75.33 % 75 =(50% 75 +25 % 75 + 0.33 % 75 )= 37.5+18.75 +0.25 = 56.5
Q 3)Howmany students have scored the highest marksin more than one subject ?
solution : Here we need not to caluclate the actual marks .Those who have highest percentage of marks will be highest in that subject Hindi san highest -chaitanya(2) ; eng , math ,phy,bio highest - bakul(4) ; , chem highest = gauri(2) finally students have the highest marks in more than one subject are 3
Q 4) Marks obtained by Ankita in sanskrit in what percent of marksa obtained b gauri in the same subject( rounded off to two digits after decimal) ?
solution : Here we are taking percentage for same we need not to caluclate actual marks . just use percentage of marks . % marks obtained by Ankita in san =70 ;% marks obtained by Gauri in san = 64; = (70/64)*100 = 100 % = 64 ;70-64 = 6 ,10% 64 = 6.4 then approx equal to 110 %
Q 5) who has scored the highest marks in all the subjects together ?
solution : Here we need not to caluclate each and evey member marks .The person who is having highest % marks in more subjects will be highest marks holder.ANS = Bakul (4 subjects)
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