Percentage marks table

Percentage of marks obtained by different students in different subjects
Subjects →
Students ↓
Hindi(150) ENG(150) MATH(150) S.ST(125) PHY(75) CHEM(75) BIO(75) SAN(50)
ANKITA 60 64 67 59 70 65 68 70
BAKUL 75 95 92 87 84 74 90 77
CHAITANYA 93 71 76 74 79 62 64 82
DEEPIKA 66 56 70 66 71 64 72 58
GAURI 62 75 62 88 78 80 74 64
HIMANI 58 60 64 54 70 60 72 66

Q 1) Howmany marks did HIMANI get in all the subjects together ?

solution :
formula : Here we take the subjects having same marks as single and caluclate percentage over it.
now Hindi,eng,math have same 150 marks so we add 58+60+64 = 182 ==> 150 % 182 = 100 % 182 + 50 % 182 = 182+91 =273
for S.ST 125 % 54 =(100 % 54 + 25 % 54)=54+13.5=67.5
phy,chem,bio we have same marks - 70+60+72 =202 ==> 75 % 202 = (50% 202 + 25% 202)=101+50.5=151.5
san = 50% 66 =33
Total marks = 273 + 67.5 + 151.5 + 33 = 525

Q 2) What is the average marks obtained by all students together in physics ?

solution :
First caluclate average % marks in physics = 70+84+79+71+78+70/6 = 70+(0+14+9+1+8+0/6)=70+5.33=75.33%
Now 75.33 % 75 =(50% 75 +25 % 75 + 0.33 % 75 )= 37.5+18.75 +0.25 = 56.5

Q 3)Howmany students have scored the highest marksin more than one subject ?

solution :
Here we need not to caluclate the actual marks .Those who have highest percentage of marks will be highest in that subject
Hindi san highest -chaitanya(2) ; eng , math ,phy,bio highest - bakul(4) ; , chem highest = gauri(2)
finally students have the highest marks in more than one subject are 3

Q 4) Marks obtained by Ankita in sanskrit in what percent of marksa obtained b gauri in the same subject( rounded off to two digits after decimal) ?

solution :
Here we are taking percentage for same we need not to caluclate actual marks . just use percentage of marks .
% marks obtained by Ankita in san =70 ;% marks obtained by Gauri in san = 64; = (70/64)*100 = 100 % = 64 ;70-64 = 6 ,10% 64 = 6.4 then approx equal to 110 %

Q 5) who has scored the highest marks in all the subjects together ?

solution :
Here we need not to caluclate each and evey member marks .The person who is having highest % marks in more subjects will be highest marks holder.ANS = Bakul (4 subjects)

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