product of any 3 digit numbers around 100,500,1000,10000

product of any numbers around 100 500 1000 10000
Dynamic procedure generator
product of two numbers around :
Enter number 1 :
Enter number 2 :

product of numbers around 100, 500 ,1000, 10000

product of numbers around 500(475-525)
step 1 NUMBER 1 = 512
NUMBER 2 = 489
step 2NUMBER 1 - 500 = 12
NUMBER 2 - 500 = -11
step 3 NUMBER 1 + NUMBER2 - 500 = 501
After adding 3 zeros on right side
and dividing it by 2= 250500
step 4 NUMBER1-500 * NUMBER2-500 = -132
Final result = step3+step4 = 250368
similar to 5000,50000,500000 soon.....
except take difference between 5000,50000,500000 soon.....respectively
except adding 4 zeros,5 zeros ,6 zeros soon.....respectively

product of numbers around 1000(975-1025)
step 1 NUMBER 1 = 998
NUMBER 2 = 1005
step 2NUMBER 1 - 1000 = -2
NUMBER 2 - 1000 = 5
step 3 NUMBER 1 + NUMBER2 - 1000 = 1003
After adding 3 zeros on right side = 1003000
step 4 NUMBER1-1000 * NUMBER2-1000 = -10
Final result = step3+step4 = 1002990
similar to 10000,100000,1000000 soon.....
except take difference between 10000,100000,1000000 soon.....respectively
except adding 4 zeros,5 zeros ,6 zeros soon.....respectively

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