Week days puzzle 1

Week based puzzle
Solve below Week day puzzle

Seven people N, K, T, B, M, W and R have their weekly offs on different days of the week, ie Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, not necessarily in that order. Each of them has a liking for different cuisine, ie Indian, Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Spanish, Continental and Thai, not necessarily in that order. K likes Thai food and gets his weekly off on Thursday. B likes Italian food and does not have off on Sunday. M has weekly off on Saturday and R has his weekly off on Tuesday. W likes continental food whereas the one who has weekly off on Monday likes Mexican cuisine. T does not like Spanish cuisine and has weekly off on Wednesday. The one who likes Indian food does not have a weekly off on Tuesday or Wednesday.

  1. Who has a weekly off on Friday ? Answer : B

  2. What cuisine does R like ? Answer : SPANISH

  3. On which day does N have weekly off ? Answer : MONDAY

  4. Who likes Chinese cuisine ? Answer : T

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Time taken :
(HH : MM :SS)

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