Various schools and various games by students

Number of students from various schools playing various games
FOOTBALL 125 250 100 175 250
BASKETBALL 175 200 195 245 225
CRICKET 250 200 225 215 200
TENNIS 240 210 200 130 165
BADMINTON 75 125 55 45 100

Q 1) If 20 % of the students playing football from school A also play badminton then what would be the total number of students playing badminton from school A

solution :
students playing football from school A = 125 then 20 % 125 = 25( 10 % 125 = 12.5 ;20 % = 25)
finally, Number of students playing badminton from school A = 75 + 25 = 100

Q 2) The number of students playing basketball from school C is approximately what percent of the students playing basketball from school E ?

solution :
number of students playing basketball from school C = 195
number of students playing basketball from school E = 225
Then C / E * 100 = ( 195 / 225 ) * 100 = 86.67 %

Q 3)What is the difference between the average number of students playing cricket from all the schools and the average number of students playing tennis from all other schools ?

solution :
Here we need not calculate avg of cricket players and tennis players
Just take difference between cricket and tennis as follows
10 (250 - 240) -10 (200 - 210 ) +25 (225 -200 ) +85 (215-130)+35 (200-165) = 145/5 = 29

Q 4) The number of students playing football from school D is what percentage of the total number of students playing all the given games in that school ?

solution :
Number of students playing football from school D = 175
total number of students playing all the given games in that school = 175 + 245 + 215 +130 + 45 = 810
Then D / other = (175 / 810) * 100 = (10 % 810 = 81 ; 5 % 810 = 40. 5 ; 1 % 810 = 8.1 ) = 20 % 810 = 162
Remaining = 13 ( approx 1.5 % 810 )
Finally Answer = 21.5 %

Q 5)What is the difference between the average number of students playing all the given games from school B and the number of students playing badminton from that school ?

solution :
average number of students playing all the given games from school B = (250 +200+200+210+125)/5
200 + (50+0+0+10-75)/5 = 200-3 = 197
number of students playing badminton from that school B = 125
Answer = 197 -125 = 72

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