Banking awareness quiz 13

Banking awareness quiz
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Q 1)CRR & SLR caluclated based upon NDTL ,What is the fullform of NDTL ?

Net demand and time liabilities
Net demand and tenure liabilities

Net demand and time loyalities
Net draft and time liabilities

Q 2)Which of the following is false ?

If the poulation is 1 lakh and above then it is known as Tier 1 center

If the poulation is between 5,000 and 9, 999above then it is known as Tier 5 center

If the poulation is between 20,000 and 49,999 then it is known as Tier 4 center

If the poulation is between 20,000 and 49,999 then it is known as Tier 3 center

Q 3)What is the first bank to introduce internet banking ?

ICICI bank
AXIS bank
PNB bank

Q 4)Which of the following is false about LIBOR ?

LIBOR fullform is london interbank offered rate

It is the primary benchmark for short term Interest rates in the world

It is the primary benchmark for long term interst rates in the world

Many financial institutions set interest rates relating to it

Q 5)What is the capital market regulatior in india ?


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