Banking awareness quiz 19

Banking awareness quiz
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Q 1)If you have any problem in capital market you can approach for IGRC for resolution ,What is the fullfrom of IGRC ? ?

Investors Grivance Resolution committee

Intitute of Grivance Redressal committee

Investors Grivance Redressal committee

Investors Governing Redressal committee

Q 2)Which of the following is false ?

If a cheque bears a date earlier than the date on which it is presented on the bank , It is called "anti-daed cheque"

If a cheque bears future date date on which it is presented on the bank , It is called "post- dated cheque"

If two parallel line on the cheque then it is known as stale cheque

If cheque is used to draw money from own account then it is known as self cheque

Q 3)Which is the regulatory for Regional rural banks ?


Q 4)When bank return a cheque unpaid ,then it is knowm as___________ ? ?

invalid cheque
Dishonour of cheque
stale cheque
multi lated cheque

Q 5) Which is the first bank to provide mobile ATM ?

ICICI bank
Axis bank
UCO bank
Union bank of india

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