Learn vocabulary from previous papers (Day 15)

Word & its Details

1.Extensive (pedda etthuna)

Elaborated meaning : covering or affecting a large area.
Synonyms: large, large-scale, sizable, substantial
Antonyms : exclusive,insignificant,limited
Example :McClements also boasts an extensive wine list to complement the imaginative menus.
Trick : Extensive - which EXTEND something

2. Disguie (dachi pettu)

Elaborated meaning : a means of altering one's appearance or concealing one's identity.
Synonyms: camouflage, conceal, hide, cover up
Antonyms : honesty , character
Example :A few years back baseball caps were used to disguise someone's appearance.
Trick : dis + guise - dis + guss (things make away from guessing)

3.Extortion (dhopidi)

Elaborated meaning : the practice of obtaining something, especially money
Synonyms: blackmail, shakedown, exaction
Antonyms : peace
Example :Corruption and extortion are constant themes in the local press.
Trick : extortion - Extra + absorption of money in illegal manner

4. conceal(verb) (dachipettadam)

Elaborated meaning : keep from sight; hide.
Synonyms: hide, screen, cover, obscure
Antonyms : disregard,ignore,reveal
Example :they were at great pains to conceal that information from the public
Trick : Conceal - CONcluding something by SEALING

5. Apprehend (verb) (nirbandhinchadam)

Elaborated meaning : arrest (someone) for a crime
Synonyms: bust ,capture ,seize
Antonyms : free , let go , liberate
Example :Consider for a moment how few sports allow us to apprehend the world outside our doors.
Trick : Apprehend = comphrehend (means understand) If you want to ARREST someone you have to UNDERSTAND the case

Imp Word : Zenith (noun) (ettina bindhuvu)

Elaborated meaning :the highest point reached by a celestial or other object.
Synonyms: high point, crowning point, height
Antonyms : nadir, bottom
Example :She is in her physical prime and at the zenith of her fortunes.
Trick : When something is at its peak of success or powerZenith - Ze + nith - Zee + neath - See + Beneath (below) - You can see something beneath only when you are at the highest point

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