1.Spiralling (verb) (sarpilakara) Elaborated meaning : a single circle or ring of a spiral or helical curve or object. Synonyms: bow , buckle ,incline Antonyms : strighten ,rise , beautify Example :All these great continental and oceanic systems of spiralling winds are important climatic controls. Trick: Spring shaped (which is inclined manner) |
2. Pace (ilage konasaginchadam) Elaborated meaning : a single step taken when walking or running. Synonyms: step, gait, speed, stride Example :Boreal's trainer Peter Schiergen also said that the pace had not suited his horse. Trick: Maintain same SPEED(pace) & accuracy to crack competitive exam |
3. Swap (marpidi cheyyadam) Elaborated meaning : an act of exchanging one thing for another. Synonyms: exchange, interchange, trade Antonyms : keep , maintain Example :To hedge that risk, the company can enter into an interest-rate swap to exchange its fixed rate for a floating rate. Trick: we do SWEEP to move dust to the corner from the floor |
4.instill (nerphadam ) Elaborated meaning : gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude, especially a desirable one) in a person's mind. Synonyms: inculcate, implant, ingrain Antonyms : Example :she was told how to instill eye drop Trick: instill - INSprire |
5. Clutches (gatti pattu) Elaborated meaning : a tight grasp or an act of grasping something. Synonyms: grip, grasp, clasp Antonyms : misconception , release Example :The deer was died due to clutches of tiger on it Trick: Clutch - clue + touch (clue to touch anything strong) |
Imp Word : Purview (paridhi) Elaborated meaning : the scope of the influence or concerns of something. Synonyms: horizon, view Antonyms : blindness , ignorance Example :such a case might be within the purview of the legislation Trick: purview - Per + view (what we can view with our eyes is within our LIMIT) |
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