1. Prevalent (Adjective) Elaborated meaning : widespread in a particular area at a particular time. Synonyms: widespread, frequent, usual, common Antonyms : abnormal , infrequent ,different Example :Hip fractures are also more prevalent in areas with fluoridated water. Trick : Prevalent - spells like free + avail + ent (If anything avaliable in nature @ free it will spread fastly) |
2.Eradicate(verb) Elaborated meaning : destroy completely; put an end to. Synonyms: eliminate, get rid of, remove, obliterate Antonyms : bear , build , create Example :We continue to do that and our campaign to eradicate pensioner poverty goes on. Trick : Eradicate - ERAse + DICTATE (dictating or teaching how to erase something permanently) |
3.Guts (Verb) Elaborated meaning : personal courage and determination; toughness of character. Synonyms: : courage, bravery, backbone, nerve Antonyms : timidity , fear , weakness Example : Anna Brand on the next frontier of people who spill their guts on the Internet. Trick : you should face any problem in life with courage (GUTS) |
4.Bankrupt(adjective) Elaborated meaning : (of a person or organization) declared in law unable to pay outstanding debts. Synonyms: : insolvent, failed, ruined, in debt Antonyms : rich , solvent ,wealthy Example :The purpose of the limitation on applications by undischarged bankrupts is clear. Trick : Bankrupt - Bank + Debt (Unable to pay debts) |
5.Rung (noun) Elaborated meaning : a horizontal support on a ladder for a person's foot. Synonyms: bar, stave, spoke Example :we must ensure that the unskilled do not get trapped on the bottom rung Trick : to RUNG the bell present on the top of the wall ,we must and should use LADDER STEPS |
Imp Word : Stern (adjective) Elaborated meaning : (of a person or their manner) serious and unrelenting, especially in the assertion of authority and exercise of discipline. Synonyms: serious, unsmiling, frowning, severe Antonyms : easy ,flexible ,gentle , kind Example :Even though they went out for part of the time that stern was seeing Brossard, this woman said she never heard mention of her. Trick : Stern spells like Strengthen (if you want to STRENGTHEN something you must and should have SERIOUS CONCENTRATION towards it) |
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