1. Tear down (verb) Elaborated meaning : to divide or disrupt Synonyms: annihilate,demolish,crush Antonyms : mend, repair, sew Example :This, despite feeling like futility is creeping like vines to tear down your walls of passion and security. Trick : Tear + down (The TEARS will DOWN out of our eyes when something of us gets DESTROYED) |
2.Fiduciary (adjective) Elaborated meaning : involving trust, especially with regard to the relationship between a trustee and a beneficiary Synonyms: curator , depository , guardian , trustee Example :They'll whine and scream and sue their fiduciaries . Trick : Fiduciary - FInancial + Dictionary ( knowing one's finacial details) |
3.Windup (noun) Elaborated meaning : an act of concluding or finishing something. Synonyms: Conclusion , cease , adjourment Antonyms : beginning , opening ,initiation Example :At other times, women looked like windup dolls or birds or apes. Trick : Wind + up - (If someone gone UP with the WIND it is the CONCLUSION of his/her life ) |
4. Espionage (noun) Elaborated meaning : the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information. Synonyms: intelligence ,reconnaissance ,shadowing , spying Example :We should contain our illusions that they are in pursuit of exciting adventures in espionage. Trick : Espionage - E + Spy + Image (Internet + secret + photo (doing anything secretly)) |
5. Beset (verb) Elaborated meaning : (of a problem or difficulty) trouble or threaten persistently. Synonyms: plague, surround, harry, assail Antonyms : clarify , clean up , assist Example :I was beset by clouds of flies Trick : We must and should BE SET after facing DIFFICULTIES in our life |
Imp Word : Explicitly (adj) Elaborated meaning : Explaining something clearly Synonyms: absolutely , clearly , easily Antonyms : indefinetly , doubtfully , questionable Example :Instead, the Princesses are deliberately, explicitly Jewish. Trick : explicitly - Ex Plain anything + by SPLIT (then it will be clear) |
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