Learn vocabulary from previous papers (Day 22)

Word & its Details

1.replicate (verb)

Elaborated meaning : make an exact copy of; reproduce.
Synonyms: copy, reproduce, duplicate, recreate
Antonyms : ignore , reject , turns off
Example :A full copy snapshot replicates the data set in its entirety.
Trick : replicate - reply + immediate (In order to give immediate reply to anyone we must and should have CREATIVITY)

2. Nepotism (noun)

Elaborated meaning : influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.
Synonyms: favouritism, preferential treatment, the old boy network
Example : Reregistration is necessary to avoid corruption, collusion or nepotism among civil servants.
Trick : nepotism - NEPHEW + OPTIMISM (Generally Every one will show favour to their nephew's (relatives))

3. strife (noun)

Elaborated meaning : angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict.
Synonyms: conflict, friction, discord, disagreement
Antonyms : agreement , calm , peace
Example : This exchange remains a constant cause of strife and conflict in my chemistry.
Trick : strife - STRIct + Fight (If you are STRICT in your duty ,you may face CONFLICTS from opponents)

4.Paved (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : cover (a piece of ground) with concrete, asphalt, stones, or bricks; lay paving over.
Synonyms: brick , gravel , surface
Antonyms : digup , strip
Example :He became the first Japanese American to permanently settle in the U.S., and helped to pave the way for other Japanese immigrants.
Trick : paved spells like plattened

5.stranded (adjective)

Elaborated meaning : (of a boat, sailor, or sea creature) left aground on a shore.
Synonyms: around , ashore ,wrecked
Antonyms : found , appear , unity
Example :Some escape the many- stranded web of disadvantages.
Trick : Stranded - stra + end (Generally we drink cool-drink from SINGLE STRA END)

Imp Word : ravaged (adj)

Elaborated meaning : severely damaged; devastated.
Synonyms: devastate, ruin, destroy
Antonyms : aid , assist ,build
Example :In 1925, Nome, Alaska, was ravaged by a diphtheria epidemic.
Trick : ravaged spells like damaged

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