1. Inculcate(verb) Elaborated meaning : instill (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction. Synonyms: instill in, implant in, fix in, impress in Antonyms : learn , neglect Example :I tried to inculcate in my pupils an attitude of enquiry Trick : Inculcate - INClude + Calculate (if we include one by one into anything then it will get stronger) |
2. Strive(verb) Elaborated meaning : make great efforts to achieve or obtain something. Synonyms: try (hard), struggle, endeavor, strain Antonyms : neglect , agree ,idle Example :We are striving to achieve sustainable and sensible use of the world's resources. Trick : Remember dare to dream strive(strong effort) to achieve |
3. Enigmatic (adjective) Elaborated meaning : difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious. Synonyms: mysterious, inscrutable, puzzling Antonyms : clear , obvious , known Example :He was enigmatic, even to his friends, and he left a scant paper trail—Honest Abe was no confessional diarist. Example : Enigmatic - Enough + problamatic |
4. Insurmountable(adjective) Elaborated meaning : too great to be overcome. Synonyms: insuperable, unconquerable, invincible Antonyms : beatable , attainable , possible Example :The most glaring weakness of the production is certainly not insurmountable. Example : Insurmountable - Insure + Mountain + able (It is too great to OVERCOME MOUNTAIN) |
5. Imperial (adjective) Elaborated meaning : of or relating to an empire. Synonyms: royal, regal, monarchical, sovereign Antonyms : Common Example :As for the US, its imperial foray lasted barely more than a decade. Trick : Imperial blue whisky is symbol of ROYALITY |
Important word Rampant(adjective) Elaborated meaning : (especially of something unwelcome or unpleasant) flourishing or spreading unchecked. Synonyms: uncontrolled, unrestrained, unchecked Antonyms : gentle , moderate , mild Example : my view, it has always been a case of rampant U.S. Credit inflation impairing the dollar. Trick : Rampant - The new diseases R AMPlificatig (expanding) like ANTs |
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