Daily Vocabulary Day 10

Word & its Details


Elaborated meaning : a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems

Synonyms: turmoil, disregard

Antonyms : organization, system

Example :Able to dispense instant sentencing, Judges are the one thing preventing total anarchy.

Trick : Anarchy - An + archery (Using An Archery for killing wild animals is an ILLEGAL thing)

2. Calibrated (verb)

Elaborated meaning : mark (a gauge or instrument) with a standard scale of readings

Synonyms: registered, measured

Antonyms : indefinite, uncertain

Example :In the same manner the potentiometer may be used to calibrate a voltmeter by the aid of a divided resistance of known value

Trick : Calibrated - CALulating something LIBERALLY with accuracy

3. Consensus (noun)

Elaborated meaning : a general agreement

Synonyms: accord, harmony

Antonyms : refusal, discord

Example :It is not strange that there is a growing consensus of opinion that Paul is the author

Trick : Coordinating for something with SENSE among US(agreement)

4.Discomfited (verb)

Elaborated meaning : make (someone) feel uneasy or embarrassed

Synonyms: confound, baffle

Antonyms : encourage, yeild

Example :And so well did he face it, that at the end of half an hour the wolves drew back discomfited.

Trick : Discomfited - Dis + comforted

5.Disparate (adjective)

Elaborated meaning : essentially different in kind, not able to be compared

Synonyms: contrasting, divergent

Antonyms : similar, uniform

Example :Everyone in the book club has disparate ideas on what we have read, but that’s what makes every discussion so interesting

Trick : Disperate - DO + SEPARATE (separate him from ordinary people because he has extra ordinary talent)

6. Restraint (noun)

Elaborated meaning : a measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control

Synonyms: restriction, curtailment

Antonyms : assistance, arousal

Example :One who is entirely dependent upon the manual alphabet has always a sense of restraint, of narrowness.

Trick : Restraint- Resist everything

7. Rationale (noun)

Elaborated meaning : a set of reasons or a logical basis for a course of action or belief

Synonyms: motive, theory

Antonyms : discouragement, reality

Example :It is the mode, or rationale, of all progress from the lower to the highest unity or identification.

Trick : Rationale -makin Ratio's PERFECTLY

8.Disingenuous (adjective)

Elaborated meaning : not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does

Synonyms: deceitful, crooked

Antonyms : honest, ingenuous

Example :That's as clear an admission as one could hope for that the entire exercise is disingenuous .

Trick : DISINGENUOUS - DIS + INGENUOUS (lack of brilliance)

9.Isolation (noun)

Elaborated meaning : the process or fact of isolating or being isolated

Synonyms: desolation, solitude

Antonyms : socialite , socializer

Example :My mother hated the isolation and would have sold it when husband number two died, but I wouldn’t let her.

Trick : Isolation - I + solo + action (doing any thing single)

10.Impasse (noun)

Elaborated meaning : a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement, a deadlock

Synonyms: cessation, plight

Antonyms : solution, agreement

Example :This is the solution to the impasse.

Trick : Impasse - I AM PASS in this WAY

Imp Word : Appendage

Elaborated meaning : Added to something more important

Synonyms: attachment, option

Antonyms : essential, necessity

Example :The powers of the Vice President are mere appendages to the powers of the President

Trick : Appendage = APPEND at the EDGE (To make it more powerful)

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