Learn vocabulary with tricks (Day 12)

Word & its Details

1. Proffered (verb)

Elaborated meaning : hold out or put forward (something) to someone for acceptance
Synonyms: extend, tender
Antonyms : conceal, refrain
Example :Both shook the proffered hand, surprised to be greeted by a man once charged with overseeing the wars abroad
Trick: proffered - Pro + offered (offering something great manner)

2.Emboldening (verb)

Elaborated meaning : give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something
Synonyms: energize, exhilarate
Antonyms : dissuade, depress
Example :It will embolden those who are trying to thwart the ambitions of reformers
Trick: Emboldening - Em + bold(having extensive courage )

3. Apathy (noun)

Elaborated meaning : lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern
Synonyms: lethargy, dullness
Antonyms : interest, passion
Example :Apathy took the place of enthusiasm, and sordid worries succeeded to high hopes
Trick: P.M wants to go in A PATH of digitisation because of his LACK OF INTEREST in coaxial cable communication

4.Tripling (verb)

Elaborated meaning : become three times as much or as many
Synonyms: intensify, dilate
Antonyms : reduction
Example :curtail, hinder All who have successfully gone through a triple probation on earth are admitted to share these blessings.
Trick: Make things three times


Elaborated meaning : the cultivation of flowers
Synonyms: agriculture, farming
Example :After tourism, floriculture was the country’s second largest foreign exchange earner in 2007.
Trick: Floriculture - Flower + agriculture

Imp Word : Lumbering (adjective)

Elaborated meaning : moving in a slow, heavy, awkward way
Synonyms: hulking, bovine
Antonyms : agile, gliding
Example :The industrial interests of the city are principally in mining, lumbering and agriculture.
Trick: If we want to separate LUMBER(used for cooking to create flame) from different useful things we need SLOW observation

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