Vocabulary asked in previous papers (Day 14)

Word & its Details

1. Perpectuate (verb) (sashwatham)

Elaborated meaning : make (something, typically an undesirable situation or an unfounded belief) continue indefinitely
Synonyms: keep going, preserve, conserve
Antonyms : discontinue ,give up ,halt
Example :The fake images that concern us most are those that are created to perpetuate a lie.
Trick : perpecuate - perminently + situate

2.Impended (verb) (etu telchukoleni sthithi)

Elaborated meaning : incompleted action
Synonyms: unended, upended
Example :The court has impended the case for last five years
Trick : impendend - In + PENDing state

3. condoned (verb) (angeekarinchadam)

Elaborated meaning : accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue.
Synonyms: disregard, accept, allow, let pass
Antonyms : attend,deny,refuse
Example :His employers are willing to condone the exaggerations they uncovered in his résumé.
Trick : condoned - Coming to conclusion after agreement.

4.Exacerbate (verb) (marintha udrutham)

Elaborated meaning : to increase the severity
Synonyms: intensify, inflame, worsen.
Antonyms : relieve, soothe, alleviate.
Example :
Trick : Exacerbate - EXtrA + CElebRATE (in a large manner)

5. vague (aspastamina)

Elaborated meaning : of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
Synonyms: indistinct, imprecise, hazy
Example :Someone might reply that my explanation is vague and approximate.
Trick : In telugu VAGU means CANAL .The water in the canal is unclear

Imp Word : Circumscribe (verb) (paridhilo vunchadam )

Elaborated meaning : Restrict within limits
Synonyms: restrict, limit, keep within bounds
Antonyms : Allow , unlimited
Example : The powers of the judiciary sometimes get circumscribed due to its structure.
Trick : The Lakshman Rekha was drawn to circumscribe Sita.

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