Vocabulary with tricks (Day 7)

Word & its Details

1.Standalone (adjective)

Elaborated meaning : (of computer hardware or software) able to operate independently of other hardware or software

Synonyms: autonomous, independent

Antonyms : Dependent

Example :Nothing but a standalone phone booth.

Trick : Standalone=Stand + Alone = Doing anything alone without depending on others

2.Unveiled (verb)

Elaborated meaning : remove a veil or covering from, in particular uncover (a new monument or work of art) as part of a public ceremony

Synonyms: unbosom, display

Antonyms : protect, veil

Example :The monument was unveiled on the 21st of March 1496.

Trick : Unveiled spells like UN + WHEELED ( lack of wheels ).The UN WHEELED vehicle is UNCOVER from Insurance

3.Assent (noun)

Elaborated meaning : the expression of approval or agreement

Synonyms: consent, accession

Antonyms : dissent, rejection

Example :William refused his assent, and in August suddenly invaded Belgium.

Trick : Kindly observe Assent spells like ACCEPT

4. Subsidiaries (noun)

Elaborated meaning : a company controlled by a holding company

Synonyms: adjunct, affix

Antonyms : base, subtraction

Example :American Tobacco consolidates only its wholly owned domestic subsidiaries.

Trick : Subsidiaries = SUBSIDE + DIARIES (Related oraganisations)

5.Pillaged (verb)

Elaborated meaning : rob a (place) using violence, especially in wartime

Synonyms: arrogate, ravage

Antonyms : construct, protect

Example :The neighbors devastated the garden and pillaged the rare flowers.

Trick : Pillaged = Pill + Aged = AGED people get ROBBED by having PILLS from ROBBERS

6. Intimidation (noun)

Elaborated meaning : the action of intimidating someone, or the state of being intimidated

Synonyms: coercion, threatening

Example :Man seeks to influence his fellow men in various ways, by intimidation, by deceit, by briber

Trick : intimidate = Intimated + Date (The kashmir people is TERRIFING by the INTIMATION DATE given by terrorists)

7.Institutionalised (verb)

Elaborated meaning : establish (something, typically a practice or activity) as a convention or norm in an organization or culture

Synonyms: commit, consign

Example :Anyone who has this much fun talking to themselves should be institutionalized.

Trick : Institutionalised = Institution + established

8.Derided (verb)

Elaborated meaning : express contempt for, ridicule

Synonyms: gibe, contemn

Antonyms : admire, respect

Example :Even in the 12th century there were some who detected, and derided, the fictitious character of Geoffrey’s “History.”

Trick : Derided spells like there i dead (due to make fun of others)

9.Resistance (noun)

Elaborated meaning : the refusal to accept or comply with something

Synonyms: combat, rebuff

Antonyms : assistance, compliance

Example :The truth of his words made her last meager attempt at resistance melt.

Trick : Having strength to RESIST(not allowing) something


Elaborated meaning : change smoothly from one image to another by small gradual steps using computer animation techniques

Synonyms: distort, contort

Antonyms : stagnate, sustain

Example :The images faded and morphed back into words that dropped to the pages.

Trick : Morphed (verb) = MORE + ADDED (MORE things are ADDED in MORPHED(EDITED) image)

Imp Word :Repel (verb)

Elaborated meaning : Drive something away

Synonyms: revolt, disgust

Example :She was repelled by his chauvinist attitude and decided to break off the engagement.

Trick : Mosquito Repellent repels (drives away) mosquitoes

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