Banking awareness quiz 21

Banking awareness quiz
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Q 1)TFA is used to facilitate minimum trade barrior among countries ,What is the fullform of TFA ?

Trade Facilitation Agreement
Trade Facilitation Account
Trading Facility Agreement
Trade Facility Agreement

Q 2)Which of the following is false ?

only public limited companies can raise money from public by selling bonds/debentures
Pvt limited companies can raise money from patners only
Pvt limited companies can raise money from public by selling bonds/debentures
Deposits in NRE & FCNR accounts are excempted from tax in india

Q 3)What are the instruments used by corporate companies to rise money from public for short period ?

Commercial papers

Q 4)Where the Headquarter of World savings & Retail banking Institute located ?

geneva ,switzerland
New york

Q 5)As per MSME ACT ,2006 What is the range of investment to qualify as medium enterprise ?

Rs 15-20 crores
Rs 5-20 crores
Rs 10-15 crores
Rs 5-10 crores

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