Banking awareness quiz 24

Banking awareness quiz
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Q 1)PTC is used to sell the loan of one organization to another organization,What is the fullform of PTC ?

Pass Through Certificate
Pay Through Certificate
Pass Term Certificate
Pay term certificate

Q 2)Which of the following is false ?

The legal right of the creditor over collateral property ,in case of debtor failed to payback is known as LIEN

The maximum tenure for MSF loan is 1 day

CRR is required under banking regulation act,1949

If the transactions pertaining to credit cards are overdue for more than 90 days is known NPA

Q 3)Which of the following banks generally members of BIS ?

commercial banks
co-operative banks
Regional Rural banks
Central banks

Q 4)What is the powerful tool used by RBI to control inflation ?

raise interest rates
decrease interest rates
sell government securities
prints more currency

Q 5) Which of the following bank launched 'iwork' for its women employee to work from home ?

Syndicate bank
Indian bank
Indusind bank

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