Banking awareness quiz 25

Banking awareness quiz
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Q 1)CCSO is known as Internal Ombudsman of a specific bank,What is the fullform of CCSO ?

Chief Central Service Officer

Customer Chief Service Officer

Chief Customer Service Officer

Chief Custom Service Officer

Q 2)Which of the following is false ?

ECB holders will have currency risk, If the value of rupee depreciates against foreign currencies

The minimum amount which can be accessed under MSF is Rs 1 crore

Loans can't be granted against the CD's and the banks can buy back their own CD's before maturity

Normally, retail investors in capital markets are the investors who invest up to Rs 2 lakhs

Q 3) Which of the following is false about payment banks ?

The minimum approved amount of payment banks is Rs 100 crore

Maximum amount/account in payment banks is 1 lakh

The payment banks can't offer loans to customers

The payment banks can issue credit cards

Q 4) The commercial papers issued multiples of ______?

Rs 2 lakhs
Rs 5 lakhs
Rs 1.5 lakhs
Rs 10 lakhs

Q 5)How many basis points equal to 1 percent according to RBI ?

100 basis points
50 basis points
10 basis points
90 basis points

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