Banking awareness quiz 28

Banking awareness quiz
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Q 1)LAF is used to aid banks in adjusting the day to day mismatches in liquidity.What is the fullform of LAF ?

Liquidity adjustment facility
Liquid adjustment facility
Liquidity adjustment fund
Loyality adjustment facility

Q 2)Choose the different from the following according to FDI Limit in India ?

Planting sector
Print media
Defence manufacturing

Q 3) Which of the following is false about masala bonds ?

minimum maturity period for masala bonds is 3 years
These are the first rupee bonds issued in london stock exchange
First ever masala bonds issued by DHFL
Masala bonds issued by indian entities to raise money from overseas markets

Q 4)Which of the following is not a capital market instrument ?

Certificate of deposit

Q 5)What is the name of risk in which losses in on or off balance sheet positions that raise from the movement in market prices ?

Liquidity risk
Financial risk
Credit risk
Market risk

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