Take Computer awareness quiz 16

Daily_computer awareness quiz
Take Computer Quiz from below

Q 1). In Power Point, the Header and Footer button can be foundon the Insert tab in what group ?

Illustrations group

Text group

Tables group

Object group

Q 2) A file that contains definitions of the paragraph and character styles for your document and all things you customised like tool bars and menus is called a _______.



base document


Q 3)Which type of memory is closely related to processor ?

Main Memory
Secondary Memory
Disk Memory
Tape Memory

Q 4)Networks are monitored by security personnel and supervised by __________ who set(s) up accounts and passwords for authorized network users.

IT managers
the government
password administrators
network administrators

Q 5)What is used To insert a copy of the clipboard contents, whatever was last cut or copied at the insertion point ?

stick in

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(HH : MM :SS)

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