Computer awareness quiz 22

Daily_computer awareness quiz
Take Computer Quiz from below

Q 1)What is The first computer which provides storage ?

Mark 1

Q 2) What was languague used to program The first computers ?

Machine languague
Assembly languague
High level languague
Intemediate codes

Q 3)On which supply Analog computer works ?

continuous electrical pulses
discrete Electrical pulses
Magnetic strength
Physical strength

Q 4) OMR is the process of capturing human-marked data from document forms such as surveys and test,What is the fullform of OMR ?

Optinal Mark Recognition
Optical Mark Recognition
optical mark reading
Both 2 and 3

Q 5)Which of the following is false ?

Display consists of small picture elements known as pixels

pixels are used to determine the resolution of the image.

Infinite number of characters can be displayed on a screen at once.

Smaller are the pixels the better is the image clarity or resolution

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