Daily vocabulary (Day 27)

Word & its Details

1. Unherald (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : not previously announced, expected, or recognized.
Synonyms: overlooked, unhyped, unannounced
Antonyms : existing , recollected , remembered
Example :Even the most obscure projects from unheralded directors are finding an audience.
Trick: Unherald - UN + HEARED (because it was not announced )

2. Paltry (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : (of an amount) small or meager.
Synonyms: small, meager, trifling, insignificant
Antonyms : Big ,Plenty ,Important
Example :Players should not have to sell their marketing rights for paltry sums.
Trick: paltry - Small Try

3. Crumble (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : break or fall apart into small fragments
Synonyms: disintegrate, fall apart,collapse
Antonyms : Build , Develop , Improve
Example :Tip on top of the fruit and bake till the fruit is bubbling under the pale, golden crumble .
Trick: Crumble - CRUSH the ASSEMBLE into pieces

4. Dire (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : (of a situation or event) extremely serious or urgent.
Synonyms: terrible, dreadful, appalling, frightful
Antonyms : Calm , mild , Unimportant
Example :This might be a dire warning but I cannot do it to anyone.
Trick: Dire spells like HIRE . you have to maintain SERIOUSNESS when you went to HIRE someone

5. Steer (noun)

Elaborated meaning : a piece of advice or information concerning the development of a situation.
Synonyms: guide, direct, maneuver
Antonyms : Abadon , obey
Example :some cars boast four-wheel steer
Trick: Driver has STEERing to DRIVE(direct) the bus

Imp Word : Decimate (Verb )

Elaborated meaning : kill, destroy, or remove a large percentage or part of.
Synonyms: eliminate, carry off, wipe out, eradicate
Antonyms : Bear ,create , build
Example :the man who is to determine whether it be necessary to decimate a large body of mutineers
Trick: DECEmber season DESTROY the energy due to heavy coldness

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