Day 26 vocabulary

Word & its Details

1. Bashful (adj)

Elaborated meaning : reluctant to draw attention to oneself; shy.
Synonyms: shy, reserved, diffident, inhibited
Antonyms : Aggressive , bold , forward
Example : Don't be bashful guys, I put the board there for all of us so don't wait for me.
Trick: Bashful - BAsically + SHyFUL

2. Garner (verb)

Elaborated meaning : gather or collect (something, especially information or approval).
Synonyms: gather, collect, accumulate
Antonyms : Spend , disperse , divide
Example :He gradually garnered a national reputation as a financial expert
Trick: Garner spells like GATHER

3.Eager (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : (of a person) wanting to do or have something very much.
Synonyms: anxious, impatient, longing
Antonyms : satisfied , apathetic , disinterested
Example : The owners of the hotel where I stayed were Yezidis, eager to talk about their religion.
Trick: Eager - EArly to something with anGER

4. Placid (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : (of a person or animal) not easily upset or excited.
Synonyms: even-tempered, calm, tranquil
Antonyms : Agitated , distrubed , excited
Example : Underneath the most placid waters, there are vicious currents and tides, and underwater volcanoes that are constantly erupting.
Trick: Placid - PLAce cleaned with aCID (to get peaceful environment)

5.Commemorate (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : recall and show respect for (someone or something) in a ceremony
Synonyms: memorize , celebrate , observe
Antonyms : forget , disregard , ignore
Example :All of this is in sight of a plaque that commemorates 10 years of my dad's labour.
Trick: Commonly memo-rate something

Imp Word : Demolish (Verb )

Elaborated meaning : pull or knock down (a building).
Synonyms: knock down, pull down, tear down
Antonyms : Build , construct , create
Example :The plans comprise demolishing the pub and building
Trick: Molish means clear something or someone permanently .

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