Day 33 vocabulary

Word & its Details

1. Douse (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : pour a liquid over; drench.
Synonyms: drench, soak, saturate
Antonyms : Start ,Dry , Dehydrate
Example : Her t-shirt was doused in some liquid most likely liquor.
Trick :Douse- Do + Use - Do use liquid to stop fires

2.Alacrity (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : brisk and cheerful readiness.
Synonyms: eagerness, willingness, readiness
Antonyms : Apathy,coolness,discouragement
Example :she accepted the invitation with alacrity
Trick :Alacrity - We always be Alert + in City

3. Blurred (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : unable to see or be seen clearly.
Synonyms: indistinct, blurry, fuzzy
Antonyms : brighten,lighten,illuminate
Example : Polishing the clouds, the blue of my eyes shines through the blurred glass.
Trick :Blurred - BLue + red - If one thing appears as Blue & Red with out CLARITY

4.Affliction (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : something that causes pain or suffering.
Synonyms: disorder, disease, malady
Antonyms : Advantage,benefit,comfort
Example :He listens to everyone and removes the pains and afflictions of all.
Trick :Affliction - After + Friction between thy-es we definitely feel PAIN

5. Deceptive (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading.
Synonyms: misleading, illusory, illusionary
Antonyms : forthright,frank,genuine
Example :A company has caught out the The New York Times in a bit of deceptive reporting.
Trick :Deceptive spells like DESCRIPTIVE .In Descriptive exams,When we don't know something we will create answer with our own ILLUSION.

Imp Word : Strife (Noun )

Elaborated meaning : angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict.
Synonyms: conflict, friction, disagreement
Antonyms : accord,agreement,concurrence
Example : You are triumphant in conflicts after a period of strife and opposition.
Trick : Strife - Strict + fight. When you are STRICT at your work .you will face CONFLICTS from blacksheeps.

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