1. Crisis (Noun) Elaborated meaning : a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger. Synonyms: emergency, disaster, catastrophe Antonyms : Agreement , benefit ,blessing Example : the country faces an energy crisis Trick :Crisis - CRItical + Situations |
2. Sensing (Verb) Elaborated meaning : perceive by a sense or senses. Synonyms: : discern, feel, observe, notice Antonyms : Disbelive ,overlook , Ignore Example : Recently, Oldest fossile fuels sensing in Canada Trick : You will get SENSE,If anyone TOUCH your heart |
3. Chaos (Noun) Elaborated meaning : complete disorder and confusion. Synonyms: disorder, disarray, disorganisation Antonyms : arrangement , calm , harmony Example : India citizen are in chaos after hearing withdrawal limits & minimum balances conditions of bank Trick :Chaos spells like CAVES ( We feel confusion when we travelling through CAVES ) |
4. Disparity (Noun) Elaborated meaning : a great difference. Synonyms: : discrepancy, inconsistency, imbalance Antonyms : Agreement , Similarity,Harmony Example :The racial disparities in the US increased because of trump aggressive words |
5.Audacious (Adj) Elaborated meaning : showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks. Synonyms: bold, daring, fearless, intrepid Antonyms : Afraid , Careful, Timid Example :The persistently audacious are helped along by a fearless temperament. Trick :Audacious - Audience + faces (The BRAVE persons face AUDIENCE easily) |
Imp Word : Plummet (Verb ) Elaborated meaning : a steep and rapid fall or drop. Synonyms: : plunge, nosedive, dive, drop Antonyms : Grow ,Increase, Raise Example : Sales of sweatters plummeted this season because lack of chillness Trick : Plu + mmit - Plunge + (from a) summit - Fall from a height |
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