Day 36 Vocabulary

Word & its Details

1. Undertones (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : Giving suggestion secretly
Synonyms: low voice, murmur, whisper
Antonyms : lot , Overtone , Information
Example :They were talking in undertones while giving the test
Trick : Undertones - Under + tones ( Talking something with low voice)

2. Fatigue (noun)

Elaborated meaning : extreme tiredness, typically resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.
Synonyms: tiredness, weariness, sleepiness
Antonyms : ability,energy ,health
Example :There is evidence of significant metal fatigue damage to the rails in the vicinity
Trick : fatigue - Fat + I + Guess (I GUESS he has getting extra TIREDNESS due to FAT)

3. Wilderness (noun)

Elaborated meaning : an uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region.
Synonyms: wilds, wastes, bush
Antonyms : city , metropolis
Example :the man who led the Labour Party out of the wilderness
Trick : wilderness - Wild + ness (The WILD land in the forest is an UNCULTIVATED one.)

4. Obscure (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : not discovered or known about; uncertain.
Synonyms: unclear, uncertain, unknown
Antonyms : clear , common , definite
Example : I tend to forget some obscure titles on albums I rarely play.
Trick :obscure - OBServe something + SECURE (then it will be UNCLEAR to others)

5. Passivity (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : uncaring attitude, lack of interest
Synonyms: Indifference , Insensitivity , Lethargy
Antonyms : Interest , Concern , feeling
Example : there was an air of passivity about him
Trick : passivity - lack of positive nature

Imp Word : Delusion (Noun )

Elaborated meaning : typically a symptom of mental disorder.
Synonyms: deception ,fantasy , illusion
Antonyms : fact ,reality ,truth
Example : It took me 15 years to realise that it was a tragic, sickly delusion .
Trick :delusion spells like Illusion

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