Day 37 Vocabulary

Word & its Details

1. Plunders (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : steal goods from (a place or person), typically using force and in a time of war or civil disorder.
Synonyms: pillage, loot, rob, raid
Antonyms : gift ,award , benefit
Example : the invaders were back and ready to plunder
Trick : Plunder - Pull + under (Theaves ROB by PULLING things from UNDER)

2. Ravages (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : the severely damaging or destructive effects of something.
Synonyms: consume , damage , demolish
Antonyms : aid , help , build
Example :We have gone a long way towards mitigating the ravages of nature.
Trick : ravage spells like damage

3.Assassinations (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : the action of assassinating someone.
Synonyms: murder, killing, slaughter
Antonyms : birth ,deliverystar ,beginningstar
Example : The assassination of Rajiv Gandhi ,occurred as a result of a suicide bombing in Sriperumbudur, in Tamil Nadu
Trick :assassinations - as + against + nation (murder)

4. Usher (noun)

Elaborated meaning : : a person who shows people to their seats, especially in a theater or at a wedding.
Synonyms: guide, attendant, escort, sidesman
Example :It's like some ritual to usher people into the neighborhood.
Trick :usher - use + her (for guiding)

5. Havoc (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : widespread destruction.
Synonyms: devastation, destruction, damage
Antonyms : Blessing ,construction , calm
Example : He stared at me, his intensely blue eyes wreaking havoc in my mind.
Trick : havoc spells like awakh ( On seeing large damage , we generally gets unbelievable )

Imp Word : Embark (Verb )

Elaborated meaning : go on board a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle.
Synonyms: : board ship, go on board, go aboard
Antonyms : Cease ,stop , end
Example : Robin and Michael embarked for France in early June 1944.
Trick : embark - em + park (we generally GO when we take our vehicle AWAY form PARKING)

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