Day 41 vocabulary (financial)

Word & its Details

1. Doomsayers (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a person who predicts disaster, especially in politics or economics.
Synonyms: Pessimist ,scaremonger ,cynic
Antonyms : optimist
Example :When times are hard,doomsayers are aplenty.

2. Discretionary (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : available for use at the discretion of the user.
Synonyms: optional, voluntary ,elective
Antonyms : required,mandatory
Example : retain expenditures on discretionary items like electonics and cloths has picked up

3. Mild (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : gentle and not easily provoked.
Synonyms: gentle, tender, softhearted
Antonyms : agitated ,coarse ,exited
Example : Europe likely to post mildly negative growth for year 2012

4. Tepid (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : (especially of a liquid) only slightly warm;
Synonyms: dull ,halfhearted,warm
Antonyms : enthusiastic ,keen
Example :We have to accept the fact that global growth in 2012 will be tepid.

5. Stance (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : the way in which someone stands, especially when deliberately adopted
Synonyms: posture, body position
Example : China reversed its stance and pared its reserve ratio twice

6.poised (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : having a composed and self-assured manner.
Synonyms: balance, hold (oneself) steady,hover
Antonyms : refuse , reject , drop
Example :RBI seems poised for a reversal in its rate cycle.

7. Spurt (noun)

Elaborated meaning : a sudden gushing stream.
Synonyms: eruption , explosion ,surge
Antonyms : peace,continuity
Example : The continuing face-off between Iran and US ,might lead to a spurt in prices.

8. Abate (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : (of something perceived as hostile, threatening, or negative) become less intense or widespread.
Synonyms: Decrease ,diminish,dwindle
Antonyms : advance , develop , enlarge
Example :As inflation fears abate and emerging market central banks begin to cut rates

9. untamed (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : not domesticated or otherwise controlled.
Synonyms: wild, feral, undomesticated, unbroken
Antonyms : calm , considerate ,gentle
Example : The fear of untammed ,run away inflation in these economies abates.

10. Myriad (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : countless or extremely great in number.
Synonyms: innumerable, countless, infinite
Antonyms : bounded ,countable ,limited
Example : GST and direct tax code and finally easing the myriad rules and regulations

Imp Vocabulary : Emerging (Verb )

Elaborated meaning : move out of or away from something and come into view.
Synonyms: come out, appear, visible
Antonyms : abandon,decrease ,disappear
Example : The emerging markets will outperform and will get left behind.

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