1. Subsitence (Noun) Elaborated meaning : supporting one self at mininmum level Synonyms: livelihood,ration,sustenance Antonyms : bills,debt,ignorance Example :The minimum income is to be provided by govt to bakward people for subsistence. |
2. staple (Adj) Elaborated meaning : necessary thing Synonyms: predominant,chief,essential Antonyms : auxiliary,extra,inessential Example :In the north, wheat is likely to be one of the staple crops. |
3. waning (Verb) Elaborated meaning : extremely large. Synonyms: huge, massive, enormous Antonyms : little,frugal ,miniscule Example : Money lendres lending money at colossal interest rates around 25 to 40 % per annum |
4. Colossal (Adj) Elaborated meaning : extremely large. Synonyms: huge, massive, enormous Antonyms : little,frugal ,miniscule Example : Money lendres lending money at colossal interest rates around 25 to 40 % per annum |
5. usurious (Adj) Elaborated meaning : of or relating to the practice of usury. Synonyms: extorting, avaricious ,greedy Antonyms : generous , unselfish Example : Loan rates much above standared 15 % would most likely be attacked as usurious in america . |
6.enticing (Adj) Elaborated meaning : attractive or tempting; alluring. Synonyms: : tempting, alluring, attractive Antonyms : boring ,disenchanting,disgusting Example :Enticing the unbanked won't be easy. |
7. eluded (verb) Elaborated meaning : evade or escape from (a danger, enemy, or pursuer) Synonyms: evade, avoid, get away from Antonyms : abet ,aid ,assist Example :Profit has long eluded for Indian microfinaciers. |
8. lucrative (Adj) Elaborated meaning : producing a great deal of profit Synonyms: : profitable, gainful, remunerative Antonyms : poorly paid , unprofitable Example : If it is not lucrative,It is not microlending it is charity |
9.tutelage (Noun) Elaborated meaning : protection of or authority over someone or something; Synonyms: guidance, apprenticeship,care Antonyms : ignorance Example : the organizations remained under firm government tutelage |
10. Contension (Noun) Elaborated meaning : heated disagreement. Synonyms: : disagreement, dispute, disputation Example : the captured territory was one of the main areas of contention between the two countries |
Imp word : Exorbitant (Adj) Elaborated meaning : of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high. Synonyms: excessively high, excessive, prohibitive Antonyms : cheap,good,mild Example : shop owners charge an exorbitant rate for every thing they sell here. |
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