Profit & loss problems 5

Profit & loss
Take profit & loss quiz 5

Q 1)The meter tape of cloth merchant expands by 20 % in the summers.If he marks up cloth by 25%, and offered 20 % discount on it then,What is his profit/loss percentage in summers ?

15 % 17 % 16.67 % 8.33 %

Q 2)A merchant uses a 125cm tape instead of 1 meter tape while buying cloth.While selling he uses 90 cm tape instead of 1 meter tape.If he makes up his merchandise by 33.33% and offers a 10% discount while selling,What is his overall profit ?

66.67 % 30 % 16.66 % 50 %

Q 3 ) A man marks up mangoes by 16.66 % and then gives 1 apple free buying 3 apples what is percentage profit /loss ?

16 % 24 % 12.5 % 25 %

Q 4)A shopkeeper claims to sell his goods at their cost price ,but uses faulty weights.If he makes a profit of 28.56 %,what weight he be using in place of 900 grams ?

700 g 600 g 500 g 400 g

Q 5)A shopkeeper marks up his goods 12.5 % above their cost price.What weight should he use in place of a weight of 800 grams to make an overall profit of 80 % ?

600 g 500 g 700 g 400 g

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