1.Kotak Mahindra Bank has launched the '811 banking app' to double customer base. Customers will be able to open an account on the 811 banking app with zero balance. Only Aadhaar and PAN card would be required to open 811 account which would provide access to over 100 features on mobile. | |
2. CBEC appointed Vanaja N. Sarna new Chairperson Vanaja N. Sarna (Internal Revenue Service:1980) has been appointed as the Chairman of Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC). She has replaced Najib Shah. Sarna has served Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) in several capacities over the last 36 years. | |
3. N. Chandrababu Naidu selected for US-India Business Council Award The USIBC has selected Mr. Naidu for the award of ‘Transformative Chief Minister’. The Electronics and IT Secretary Aruna Sundararajan would also receive Transformative Leadership Award at the Summit | |
4.Axis Bank ties up with Wells Fargo for US remittances Under the arrangement between the two banks, any member of the Indian diaspora with an account with the Wells Fargo will be able to transfer money to their relatives back home and there will be no transaction fee applicable to the money transfers from the USA. But the relative or the beneficiary in India will need to have an account with Axis Bank. | |
5.The Indian Army has entered into a MOU with the IIT-Madras. The objective of the agreement is to identify and enhance the critical technological areas that can be enhanced in the armed forces.It also aimed at facilitating the prestigious institutions such as the IITs to achieve a better understanding of the critical technology requirements of the Indian Army through seamless interaction between the IIT M faculty and the Army officers. | |
6.SBI gets new logo from april 1,to spot lenders signigicance The background to the SBI signboard has been changed from white to “inky blue” while the SBI logo or the monogram is a few shades lighter than the existing blue. On the design, “SBI” legend will be seen in white colour and will be written in a new font called Effra. | |
7.82nd Establishment Day of RBI observed on april first he Reserve Bank of India is the central bank of the country. The Reserve Bank of India was set up on the basis of the recommendations of the Hilton Young Commission. The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (II of 1934) provides the statutory basis for the functioning of the Bank, which commenced operations on April 1, 1935. | |
8. echallan and mParivahan apps launched by UG to enable citizens to report any traffic violation or road accident. 'eChallan' is an integrated enforcement solution to manage traffic violations through an Android-based mobile app and back-end web application, for use by the Transport Enforcement Wing and Traffic Police. 'mParivahan' is an empowering app for the citizen which provides access to various services, information and utilities related to the transport sector, bring convenience to citizen and transparency in the system | |
9. International research centre for Foot and Mouth disease of cattle and buffalos inaugrated in Odisha The research center has been constructed in joint collaboration of UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation & Indian Council of Agricultural Research to conduct research on the viral disease of cattle and buffaloes. The research center has the facility for safe handling and storage of live Foot and Mouth disease virus that essentially is required for control of the disease. | |
10. 4-day mega Conference of world parliamentarians started in Dhaka,Bangladesh Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina has inaugurated it and also released a commemorative stamp and launch the IPU web television. Around 687 members of 131 national parliaments around the world are participating in the conference. | |
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