1. Anonymous (Adj) Elaborated meaning : of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name. Synonyms: Nameless , Undisclosed , Unidentified Antonyms : Known , Named , Identified Example : The policemen are tring to catchup the anonymous person,Who has done that crime. |
2. Premium (Noun) Elaborated meaning : something given as a reward, prize, or incentive Synonyms: bonus, extra, incentive Antonyms : Inferior , poor , Low Example : Premimu customer always enjoys extra honours. |
3. Afford (Verb) Elaborated meaning : have enough money to pay for. Synonyms: Allow , manage ,bear Antonyms : refuse , reject Example : I have afford money to maintain a hospital for poor people. |
4. Trash (Noun) Elaborated meaning : discarded matter; refuse. Synonyms: derbis , Junk , residue Antonyms : cleaniness , possessions Example : Throw all of his belongs into trash. |
5. Obligations (Noun) Elaborated meaning : an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound Synonyms: duty, commitment, Job Antonyms : disbelief , irresponsibility Example : He has enough qualification to meet the current job obligations |
6. Crackdown (Noun) Elaborated meaning : severe measures to restrict or discourage undesirable Synonyms: clampdown,repression , strike Antonyms : beginnning , start Example : a crackdown on crime and corruption |
7. Impinge (Verb) Elaborated meaning : have an effect or impact, especially a negative one. Synonyms: Infring , Intrude , effect Antonyms : avoid , dodge Example : the gases impinge on the surface of the liquid |
8. Purported (Verb) Elaborated meaning : appear or claim to be or do something, especially falsely Synonyms: Imply , pretend , profess Antonyms : conceal , deny , hide Example : I have badly purported on her which is actually wrong. |
9. Subtle (Adj) Elaborated meaning : precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe. Synonyms: faint,indirect,ingenious Antonyms : Ignorant , stupid Example : It is subtle and clever and knows how to get our attention . |
10. Thwart (Verb) Elaborated meaning : prevent (someone) from accomplishing something. Synonyms: stop , hinder Antonyms : abet ,aid ,allow Example : Some powers are Thwarted the special status to Andhra pradesh. |
Important word : Blunt (Verb) Elaborated meaning : make or become less sharp. Synonyms: dull , round , edgeless Antonyms : needled , pointed Example : their effects tend to become blunted over time. |
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