1. Exodus (Noun) Elaborated meaning : a mass departure of people, especially emigrants. Synonyms: depature , evacuation , migration Antonyms : stay , arrival ,coming Example :Trump belived that if foreigners exodus to their places then there will be lots of jobs for americans |
2. ascendant (Adj) Elaborated meaning : rising in power or influence. Synonyms: Predominant , ruling , dominant Antonyms : humble , inferior Example : Do or die , that is the ascendant view of the moment. |
3. Futile (Adj) Elaborated meaning : incapable of producing any useful result; Synonyms: fruitless, vain, pointless Antonyms : effective , fruitful , productive Example : Try hard to achieve your goal other wise it will be futile. |
4. Insurgency (Noun) Elaborated meaning : an act of violent or open resistance to an established government Synonyms: rebellion , revolt , mutiny Antonyms : calm , peace , orthodoxy Example : Insurgency polocies of trump made him president of US. |
5. Lucrative (Adj) Elaborated meaning : producing a great deal of profit Synonyms: profitable, gainful, remunerative Antonyms : Lossful , unprofitable Example : Businessmen always think about lucrative plans for their growth. |
6. Resentment (Noun) Elaborated meaning : bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly. Synonyms: hate , anger , cynicism Antonyms : calm , cheer , delight Example : He controlled his resentment due to some reasons. |
7. Ameliorating (Verb) Elaborated meaning : make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better. Synonyms: improve, alleviate , better Antonyms : intensify , decrease , harm Example : The reform did much to ameliorate living standards |
8. Envisage (Verb) Elaborated meaning : contemplate or conceive of as a possibility Synonyms: imagine , confort , consider Antonyms : disregard , ignore Example : The smart people always envisage the things before they happen. |
9. Flawed (Adj) Elaborated meaning : imperfect in some way. Synonyms: Wrong , defective ,fault Antonyms : proper , good ,suitable Example : It's unusual to have such a flawed hero in a major picture. |
10. Relinquish (Verb) Elaborated meaning : voluntarily cease to keep or claim Synonyms: giveup , abandon , vacate Antonyms : allow , assert ,defend Example : he relinquished his responsibility because of his greedines. |
Important word : Foster (Verb) Elaborated meaning : encourage or promote the development of something Synonyms: encourage, promote, stimulate Antonyms : block ,cease ,dampen Example : the teacher's task is to foster learning |
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