1. Confinement (Noun) Elaborated meaning : the action of confining Synonyms: imprisonment, internment, custody Antonyms : freedom , liberation ,allowance Example : The politician has experienced the confinemnet against illegal properties. |
2. Predecessor (Noun) Elaborated meaning : a person who held a job or office before the current holder. Synonyms: ancestor ,forebear ,antecedent Antonyms : derivative , succesor Example : Raghuram rajan is the predecessor governer urjit patel. |
3. suppress (Verb) Elaborated meaning : forcibly put an end to. Synonyms: abolish , restrain , crush Antonyms : encourage , givein , buildup Example : The union government is trying to suppress the terrorism. |
4. Lax (Adj) Elaborated meaning : not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful. Synonyms: slack, slipshod, negligent Antonyms : attentive ,careful ,caring Example : His Lax playing makes him out of the team. |
5. Maim (Verb) Elaborated meaning : wound or injure (someone) so that part of the body is permanently damaged. Synonyms: injure, wound, cripple, disable Antonyms : aid , assist , heal Example : He became mime after losing his legs in train accident. |
6. Perch (Verb) Elaborated meaning : a thing on which a bird alights or roosts Synonyms: pole, rod, branch, roost Example :Dead branches also make perfect perches for resting birds |
7. Overhauled (Verb) Elaborated meaning : overtake (someone), especially in a sporting event. Synonyms: maintain, repair, mend Antonyms : break , damage , destroy Example : The equipment of the industry must be overhauled and repair defected ones periodically . |
8. Facade (Noun) Elaborated meaning : the face of a building Synonyms: elevation, exterior, outside Antonyms : reality , character , truth Example : The facade of the bulding looks extremly large. |
9. Subsume (Verb) Elaborated meaning : include or absorb (something) in something else. Synonyms: include , classify , incorporate Antonyms : exclude , prohibit , ignore Example : Prelims , mains and interview are subsumed und sbi po requirement . |
10. Revamp (Verb) Elaborated meaning : give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to. Synonyms: : renovate, redecorate, overhaul Antonyms : break , damage , destroy Example : The experts team has come to our branch to revamp the facilities. |
Important word : Promulgate (Verb) Elaborated meaning : promote or make widely known (an idea or cause). Synonyms: publicize, spread, communicate Antonyms : collect , conceal ,hide Example : A new scheme facilities promulgated by the officials. |
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