Day 57 .Learn important vocabulary

Word & its Details

1. Slugfest (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : Quarrel between two parties or more
Synonyms: fight , fray ,war
Antonyms : agreement, harmony ,peace
Example : The unnecessary slugfest is happening between two political party leaders.

2. Glimpses (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a momentary or partial view.
Synonyms: flash,glances,impression
Antonyms : stare
Example : The Glimpses talk with the person doesn't always provide you accurate information.

3. Revere (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : regard or treat with deep respect.
Synonyms: admire,adore,appreciate
Antonyms : condemn , criticise , denounce
Example : Rituals showed honor and reverence for the dead

4. Integrity (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
Synonyms: honesty, probity, rectitude
Antonyms : deceit ,dishonesty ,corruption
Example : he is known to be a man of integrity

5. mitigate (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : make less severe, serious, or painful.
Synonyms: alleviate, diminish, lighten
Antonyms : aggravate ,agitate ,extend
Example : They want to mitigate the misery of the murder.

6. Brace (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : make (a structure) stronger or firmer with wood, iron
Synonyms: support, shore up, prop up
Antonyms : help
Example : There was a brace of hot, salty little birds to pick up and chew.

7. alacrity (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : brisk and cheerful readiness.
Synonyms: liveliness; promptness ,alertness
Antonyms : apathy,coolness,discouragement
Example : This was a situation I would have to remedy, and with alacrity .

8. Prone (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : lying flat, especially face downward.
Synonyms: susceptible, vulnerable, subject
Antonyms : improbably,sitting,straight
Example : In retrospect, it probably should not have been a surprise that volcanoes are prone to collapse.

9. exaggeration (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is.
Synonyms: overstatement, embellishment ,baloney
Antonyms : truth,compression
Example : Satire is an exaggeration of the truth, not the mockery of falsehood.

10. thronged (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : (of a crowd) fill or be present in (a place or area).
Synonyms: crowd, cluster, mill
Antonyms : deserted ,empty ,imprecise
Example :a Mob thronged the station

Important word : drafted (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : select (a person or group of people) for a certain purpose.
Synonyms: formulate , design ,devise
Antonyms : disorganize ,break ,demolish
Example : he was drafted to help with the task force on best safety practices

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