1. Disdain (Verb) Elaborated meaning : the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect Synonyms: hate , indifference , antipathy Antonyms : admiration,affection,approval Example : PM given his well-known disdain for the erstwhile Planning Commission’scontrol-and-command approach . |
2. Reckons (Verb) Elaborated meaning : establish by counting or calculation; calculate. Synonyms: calculate, compute, peg Antonyms : abandon ,cancel ,disbelieve Example : India’s GDP will rise by ₹332 lakh crore in the next 15 years, the Aayog reckons. |
3. Ratified (Verb) Elaborated meaning : sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement) Synonyms: confirm, approve, sanction Antonyms : deny ,destroy ,disagree Example : it is ratified by the Council, there is a vacuum in India’s policy framework. |
4. Ousted (Verb) Elaborated meaning : drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place. Synonyms: expel, get rid of ,depose Antonyms : hire,place,take in Example : It was the deadliest attack by the Afghan Taliban since they were ousted from power in 2001. |
5. Fortified (Verb) Elaborated meaning : strengthen (a place) with defensive works so as to protect it against attack Synonyms: defended ,barricaded ,covered ,guarded Antonyms : open ,unguarded ,unprotected Example : By running over such a fortified structure, the Taliban are effectively challenging the professionalism, resolve and resources of the entire force. |
Important word : Shambles (Noun) Elaborated meaning : a state of total disorder. Synonyms: chaos, muddle, confusion Antonyms : calm ,harmony ,method Example : Its overall security approach, as the latest attacks suggest, is in a shambles. |
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