Easy way of solving Coding & Decoding problem 6

Coding & Decoding latest pattern
Find solution from below ( TYPE 2 )

If you Observe the pattern each and every word starts with only 4 letters & follows certain format as follows :

Point 1: format=( symbol , number , letter)
Point 2 : symbol -( 7 letters - $
6 letters - !
5 letters - *
4 letters - !
3 letters - @ )
Point 3 : finding number :
code for 3rd letter
Point 4 : finding letter :
second letter + 3
To find code for male :
symbol - ! ( 4 letters );
number = 12 (L code)
letter - D (a+3)
final solution - !12D
To find code for female :
symbol - # ( 6 letters );
number = 13 ( M code)
letter - H (e+3)
final solution - #13H
To find code for Wet :
symbol - @ ( 3 letters );
number = 20 ( T code)
letter - H (e+3)
final solution - @20H
To find code for plate :
symbol - * ( 5 letters );
number = 1 ( A code)
letter - O (l+3)
final solution - *1O
To find code for wedding :
symbol - $ ( 7 letters );
number = 4 ( d code)
letter - H (e+3)
final solution - $4H

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