Floor puzzle 15 (With Countries )

Floor puzzle
Solve below Floor puzzle
Seven foreign delegates named P ,Q ,R ,S , T ,U , V are coming from seven different countries England , Russia , Bangladesh ,China , Swiss, Pakistan , Philippines but not in the same order are living in a seven floor building one floor for each one from 1 to 7 .The lowest most floor numbered 1 and top most floor numbered 7.

Only three floors are between S and V . The person who is from Russia lives immediately above V . Only one floor is between the person from Russia and P . The one who is from Russia is not living second from bottom.Only one person is lives between T and P. T lives above P . The person who is from England is living immediately above T. only three person are living between the person who is from England and the person who Swiss. The person who is from Pakistan lives immediately above the person who is from Philippines.V is not from Pakistan.U is living immediately below the person who is from china.Only one person lives between Q and the person from China.

Q 1) Who is living on the floor number 6 ?

Q 2) To which country the person who living in fifth floor belongs to ?

Q 3)How many floors between R and the person who is from Pakistan ?

Q 4) What is living on the fourth floor ?

Q 5) The person who is living on bottom most floor is from which country ?

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