Probability quiz 1

Probability quiz
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A basket contains 4 green ,5 blue , 2 red and 3 yellow balls then

Q 1)If two balls are drawn at random,what is the probability that both are red or at least one is red ?

25 /91 35/91 35/95 26 /93

Q 2)If three balls are drawn at random ,What is the probability that atleast one is yellow ?

165/364 199/364 180/360 135/324

Q 3 )If 8 balls are drawn at random,What is the probability that there are equal number of balls of each colour ?

60/1001 351/738 3/8 1/5

Q 4)If 3 balls are drawn at random, What is the probability that none is green ?

1/8 3/8 30/91 41/91

Q 5) If four balls are drawn at random,What is the probability that two are blue and two are red ?

10/1001 5/1001 7/17 3/5

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