Quiz on syllogisms and inequalities 3

syllogisms and inequalities
take quiz based on latest pattern

correct answer = 1 mark & wrong answer = -0.25 marks

Q 1) Find out the statement sets which must followed by given conclusions
I) Some doors are being windows is a possibility
II ) Some glasses are being doors is a possibility
I) All windows are grills; Some doors are grills. No glass is door
II ) All windows are grills; No door is grill. All glasses are windows
III )Some windows are grills; Some doors are grills. No glass is door
IV ) Some windows are grills; Some doors are grills. No glass is door
V ) Some windows are grills; Some doors are grills. All glasses are grills

Only Statements – 1 follows
Both Statements – 2 and 3 follows
Only Statements – 4 follows
Only Statements – 5 follows
Both Statements – 4 and 5

Q 2) Find out the statement sets which must followed by given conclusions
I)Some plants are leaves
II ) At least some trees are roots
I) Some roots are trees. Some trees are leaves. Some leaves are plants
II )Some roots are leaves. Some leaves are trees. Some trees are plants
III )All roots are trees. Some trees are leaves. No leave is plant
IV ) All roots are trees. All trees are leaves. No leaves is plant
V ) Some roots are trees. Some trees are plant. Some plant is leaves

Only Statements – 1 follows
Both Statements – 1 and 2 follows
Only Statements – 3 follows
Both Statements – 2 and 3 follows
Both Statements – 1 and 5 follows

Q 3)
C < R <= E <= A = M ; Y >= E
Conclusions :
I) M >= R
II) Y > A

only conclusion I follows
only conclusion II follows
Both conclusion I follows and conclusion II follows
Either conclusion I follows or conclusion II follows
Neither conclusion I follows nor conclusion II follows

Q 4)
B < L <= A = M >= E >= S ; L >= W >= J
Conclusions :
I) L < S
II) E > W

only conclusion I follows
only conclusion II follows
Both conclusion I follows and conclusion II follows
Either conclusion I follows or conclusion II follows
Neither conclusion I follows nor conclusion II follows

Q 5)
C > H >= O >= K = E < D
Conclusions :
I) O > D
II) E < C

only conclusion I follows
only conclusion II follows
Both conclusion I follows and conclusion II follows
Either conclusion I follows or conclusion II follows
Neither conclusion I follows nor conclusion II follows

Time taken :
(HH : MM :SS)

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