Day 71 vocabulary (On Congress' strategy to contest in presidential poll)

Word & its Details

1. Consensus (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : general agreement.
Synonyms: agreement, harmony, concurrence
Antonyms : denial,disagreement,dissension
Example : opposition parties have begun talks on putting up a common candidate in the presidential election suggests they think they may be able to pressure the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party to settle for a consensus candidate as India’s next President.

2. Inclination (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a person's natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way; a disposition or propensity.
Synonyms: : tendency, propensity, proclivity
Antonyms : antipathy,aversion,disgust
Example : the Narendra Modi government has shown no inclination to be accommodative of the opposition’s views, either in formulating legislation or in framing policies.

3. Ally (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : noun something united with another, especially by treaty
Synonyms: merge, amalgamate, join
Antonyms : antagonist,detractor,enemy
Example : the Nationalist Congress Party, all of which have fought with the Congress as an ally in past Assembly elections.

4. Staunch (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : loyal and committed in attitude.
Synonyms: faithful, devoted, dedicated
Antonyms : disloyal,undependable,unreliable
Example : the Congress might stand a chance in enlisting its support; the opposition DMK is in any case a staunch ally at this point, and is likely to back its choice.

5. Onus (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : used to refer to something that is one's duty or responsibility.
Synonyms: burden, responsibility, liability
Antonyms : advantage,benefit,blank
Example : The onus is on the Congress to find a candidate who is acceptable to such a wide spectrum of parties.

Important word : Coalition(noun)

Elaborated meaning : an alliance for combined action, especially a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government or of states.
Synonyms: alliance, union, partnership
Antonyms : detachment,disconnection,disunion
Example : . A reflection of this is the strategy of bypassing the Rajya Sabha, where the BJP-led coalition is in a minority, by disguising important pieces of legislation as money bills.

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