8 persons Ram ,Syam , Vani , Vihar , Somu , Raju , Sachin and Bipin have their birthdays on 2nd and 12th of four different months i.e January , April , May , June but not necessarily in the same order. Sachin and vihar born on even prime number dates but not in the month which is having 30 days. Vihar is not older than Sachin. Only one person has birthday after Syam. Vani is elder than Syam but younger than Vihar. Vani doesn't Born in the Same month of Syam born but born in the month which is having 31 days but not starthing month of the year. 4 member born between Somu and Ramu .Somu is older than Ram.There is only one person born before Bipin.
correct answer = 1 mark & wrong answer = -0.25 marks
1 None 2 4 3
Syam born on 2nd May Ram is one month younger than Vani Ram is one month older than Vani Raju born in January None of the above is true
Somu Sachin Bipin Ram Vani
4 1 2 5 3
Ram Raju Vani Somu Bipin
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