Weekly review of Vocabulary (21st - 27th May) along with Editorials


1. Scrutiny (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : critical observation or examination.

2. Reliant (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : Run depending on something

3. Tampering (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : interfere with (something) in order to cause damage or make unauthorized alterations.

4. Evolved (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.

5. Consequence (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a result or effect of an action or condition.

6. Critique (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : evaluate (a theory or practice) in a detailed and analytical way.

7. Scepticism (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a skeptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of something.

8.Sophisticated (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : (of a machine, system, or technique) developed to a high degree of complexity.

9. Robustness (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : the quality of being logically or factually sound;

10. Determination(Noun)

Elaborated meaning : the process of establishing something exactly, typically by calculation or research.

Click here to Read Hack it if you can: EC's challenge on EVMs Editorial from Hindu

11. Critical (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments.

12. Slammed (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : shut (a door, window, or lid) forcefully and loudly

13. Vowed (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : solemnly promise to do a specified thing.

14. Empower (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : give (someone) the authority or power to do something.

15. Assailed (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : make a concerted or violent attack on.

16. Sectarian (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : denoting or concerning a sect or sects.

17. Endorse (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : declare one's public approval or support of.

18. Interventions (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : the action or process of intefering.

19. Bettering (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : improve on or surpass (an existing or previous level or achievement).

20. Spilled (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : cause or allow (liquid) to flow over the edge of its container, especially unintentionally.

Click here to Read Return to Message from Riyadh: On Trump's Saudi visit Editorial from hindu

21. Foothold (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a place where a person's foot can be lodged to support them securely, especially while climbing.

22. Affordable (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : inexpensive; reasonably priced

23. Blocs (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a combination of countries, parties, or groups sharing a common purpose

24. significant (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy.

25.Alliance (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.

26. Delegation (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a body of delegates or representatives; a deputation.

27. Colonial(Adj)

Elaborated meaning : of, relating to, or characteristic of a colony or colonies.

28.Bolstering (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : support or strengthen; prop up.

29. Coalition (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : an alliance for combined action, especially a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government or of states.

30. Equitable (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : fair and impartial.

Click here to Read Continental ties - India's outreach to Africa Editorial from Hindu

31. Reputation (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.

32. Posed (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : present or constitute (a problem, danger, or difficulty).

33. Beset (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : (of a problem or difficulty) trouble or threaten persistently.

34. Sustainable (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : able to be maintained at a certain rate or level

35. Slew (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : kill (a person or animal) in a violent way.

36. Bloated (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : (of part of the body) swollen with fluid or gas.

37. Subservient (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : prepared to obey others unquestioningly.

38.Bureaucratic (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : relating to the business of running an organization, or government.

39.Bailout (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : an act of giving financial assistance to a failing business or economy to save it from collapse.

40. Sinful (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : wicked and immoral; committing or characterized by the committing of sins.

Click here to Read Maharajah of debt: On Air India’s revival Editorial from Hindu

41.Arena (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a level area surrounded by seats for spectators, in which sports, entertainments, and other public events are held.

42. Massacring (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : deliberately and violently kill (a large number of people).

43. Unleash (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : release from a leash or restraint.

44. Crusader (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a person who campaigns vigorously for political, social, or religious change; a campaigner.

45. Perpetrator (noun)

Elaborated meaning : a person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed.

46. Polarize (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : restrict the vibrations of (a transverse wave, especially light) wholly or partially to one direction.

47. Hailed (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : call out to (someone) to attract attention

48. Daunting (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : seeming difficult to deal with in anticipation; intimidating.

49. Thwarted (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : prevent (someone) from accomplishing something.

50. Aftermath (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : the consequences or aftereffects of a significant unpleasant event.

Click here to Read Horror in Manchester Editorial from Hindu

51. Pertinent (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : relevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite.

52. Probe (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : physically explore or examine (something) with the hands or an instrument.

53. Transgression (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offense.

54. Plagued (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : cause continual trouble or distress to.

55. Instigating (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : bring about or initiate (an action or event).

56. Adhered (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : stick fast to (a surface or substance).

57. Militate (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : (of a fact or circumstance) be a powerful or conclusive factor in preventing.

58. Conventions (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a way in which something is usually done, especially within a particular area or activity.

59. Deterrent (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : discourage someone from doing something.

60. Reinforce (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : strengthen or support, especially with additional personnel or material.

Click here to Read The commendation: On award to Major Leetul Gogoi Editorial

61. Abolish (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution).

62. Vet (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : make a careful and critical examination of (something).

63. Discretionary (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : available for use at the discretion of the user.

64.Bureaucrats (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : an official in a government department, in particular one perceived as being concerned with procedural correctness at the expense of people's needs.

65. Wrath (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : extreme anger (chiefly used for humorous or rhetorical effect).

66. Bona fide (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : genuine; real.

67. Lull (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a temporary interval of quiet or lack of activity.

68. Cumbersome (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy.

69.Inhibited (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : unable to act in a relaxed and natural way because of self-consciousness or mental restraint.

70. Archaic (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : very old or old-fashioned

Click here to Read Abolishing FIPB: Red tape herring? Editorial from Hindu

71. Indulge (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : Allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.

72. Nostalgia (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.

73. Nurtured (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : care for and encourage the growth or development of.

74. Awkward (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with.

75. Dismay (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : cause (someone) to feel consternation and distress.

76. Knit (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : make (a garment, blanket, etc.) by interlocking loops of wool or other yarn with knitting needles or on a machine.

77. Candid (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : truthful and straightforward; frank.

78. Scepticism (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : a skeptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of something

79. Chronic (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : (of an illness) persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.

80. Rhetoric (Noun)

Elaborated meaning : the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.

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