1. Provinces (Noun) Elaborated meaning : a principal administrative division of certain countries or empires. Synonyms : territory, region, state, department Antonyms : minor , insignificant, inferior |
2. Yearning (Noun) Elaborated meaning : a feeling of intense longing for something. Synonyms : longing, craving, desire Antonyms : apathy , dislike |
3. Articulated (Adj) Elaborated meaning : having two or more sections connected by a flexible joint. Synonyms : hinged, jointed, segmented Antonyms : bumbled , unjointed |
4. Blockade (Noun) Elaborated meaning : an act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving. Synonyms : barrier, obstacle, obstruction Antonyms : access ,opening , provide |
5. Strident (Adj) Elaborated meaning : loud and harsh; grating. Synonyms : harsh, raucous, rough Antonyms : soft , gentle , low |
6. Rationale (Noun) Elaborated meaning : a set of reasons or a logical basis for a course of action or a particular belief. Synonyms : reasons, thinking, logic Antonyms : reality , proof , effect |
7. Shovel (Noun) Elaborated meaning : a tool with a broad flat blade and typically upturned sides, used for moving coal, earth, snow or other material. Synonyms : scoop , enter, remove, discover Antonyms : fill , bury , smooth |
8. Starved (Verb) Elaborated meaning : (of a person or animal) suffer severely or die from hunger. Synonyms : hungry , starving, little Antonyms : full , replete , nourished |
9. Stake (Noun) Elaborated meaning : give financial or other support to. Synonyms : chance , risk, gamble Antonyms : whole , safety |
1. Read The plains truth: local elections in Nepal Editorial from Hindu |
2. Read The Centre should sell its entire stake in Air India, even if in stages Editorial from Hindu |
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